SAP Smart Banking Applications
DBS Solution
What is DBS?
DBS (Direct Debiting System) is an automatic collection system which enables receivables of companies having extensive dealer and sales organization from dealers and distributors to whom they run sales of goods and services to be covered by the guarantee up to the credit limit allocated in favor of the dealer and to be automatically transferred from dealer accounts to the parent company account.
Melahub DBS Solution Features and Benefits
You can follow DBS agreements online with your customers via SAP GUI.
You can define customer limits and share this information with your bank.
You can send a parted payment order by sharing the amounts on the document.
You can automatically account for payments and agreements made by your customer.
SFTP & Web service (SSL) integration types ensure secure communication with your bank.
You can perform transactions in Turkish Lira and foreign currency.
You can reduce your operational cost expenses with the reduction of Money Transfer / Check / Bond / Guarantee transactions.